The Crimson Courier

  • Mission Statement
    "The Crimson Courier” is Wall High School’s award-winning student-run school news organization and its purpose is to report news in an accurate and timely manner.

    Club Goals / Objectives
     “To produce quality news stories that cover the high school and surrounding community through comprehensive reporting.”
    • Activities: reporting, editing, photography, layout and design
    • Events: N/A
    • Fundraisers: subscription and newspaper sales, clothing sales (T-shirts, etc.)

Meeting Information

  • Meeting Location
    A-15 during unit lunch usually the first B Day of every week at 10:30 a.m. All are welcome!
    Meeting Schedule

    February 2025:

    Thurs., Feb. 6

    Wed., Feb. 12

    Wed., Feb. 19

    Tues., Feb. 25

Club Advisors

  • Advisors: Mr. Ketelaar
