LGBTQIA+ Alliance

  • Mission Statement/Information
    Our mission is to work towards a more accepting environment for all people, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity through education and support. To promote tolerance and acceptance throughout the school community and to provide a safe, non-judgmental space as a support network for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning, and Straight youth who share a common vision of social equality.

    Club Goals/Objectives

    1. To create safe environments in schools for students to support each other
    2. To educate the school community about homophobia, transphobia, gender identity, and sexual orientation issues.
    3. To fight discrimination, harassment, and violence in schools 

Meeting Information

  • Meeting Location
    Meeting Schedule
    Friday, 9/22
    Thursday, 10/12
    Friday, 11/17
    Thursday, 12/14
    Thursday, 1/4
    Thursday, 2/15
    Thursday, 3/14
    Thursday, 4/18
    Thursday, 5/16
    Thursday, 6/6

Club Advisors

  • Advisors:

    Miss Barocas
    [email protected]

    • President: Caelum Wobser
    • Bulletin Board: A Hallway (next to the nurse's office)
Be proud of who you are. Love who you are image