Meeting Information

  • Meeting Location
    Meeting Schedule : 1st and 2nd Thursday Lunch Block of every month unless there is a school conflict.

D.E.L.T.A. Leadership

  • Mission Statement/Information
    Be the Change You Wish to See in the World!  The Wall H.S. DELTA Club is committed to creating a positive school community climate that inspires, empowers and educates teens across Wall Township to discover and maximize their unique leadership potential, through various school/community-wide efforts; and to serve as a positive school/community change agent. 
    Club Goals/Objectives
    The goal is for participating students to develop or enhance their knowledge of leadership, resiliency, and related skills. Students will increase their general awareness of self and others; learn to remain open-minded, supportive of others, and receptive to taking fun and healthy risks during interactive experiential activities.  We want students to be open to the possibility that they may leave this school year changed in some way for the better, whether they have changed or they have influenced others; through school activities, Wall Alliance Youth Advisory community service opportunities, conferences/trainings, adventure challenge learning experiences, and developing new friendships they would have never considered outside of this unique school opportunity.

    How do STUDENT LEADERS Promote A Healthy, Positive Club Community?   

    • Each STUDENT LEADER has a responsibility to Teach Socially Responsible behavior through modeling their own INTRINSIC REFLECTION MOTIVATION process.
      Choosing Socially and Morally Responsible Behavior because it is the right thing to do.


    • Leadership is doing the right thing regardless of whether someone sees you doing it OR regardless of when it might not be personally beneficial to do so; essentially, their actions are driven by their principles, not by the expectation of recognition or reward. Your peers are always watching your actions or lack of action, so everyday self reflection and monitoring is critical is important and a part of growing up.


    • Strong Leaders show Emotional Honesty, and foster a responsive club approach, which creates and maintains a safe and positive learning environment.


    • Each member holds the same responsibility to the club, to promote the Responsive club approach by admitting ASAP, when we have failed to meet our task -goal/objectives; and are willing to hold ourselves accountable for not fulfilling our role. Strong Leaders, model Commitment, Emotional Honesty, INTEGRITY; and they trust their team to support them when they do hold themselves accountable; trusting enough to know that their Emotional Honesty/INTEGRITY will be welcomed and appreciated, without criticism. Instead, we regroup, alternate the plan, and we move forward as planned together as a team.  This is Leadership.

    How do we make this happen? Through a Problem-Solving Process.

    True Leaders accept responsibility for their actions/decisions or lack of responsibility; leaders do not abandon ship nor do they attempt to destroy the ship while their team is on it. Leaders create a culture of responsive accountability within their club organization.  Leaders step-up, they SUPPORT each other to learn and develop social and emotional skills through modeling your own Emotional-Honesty and Integrity, which reflects strong character, and maturity.

  • Community Service & School - Activities & Accomplishments

  • Student Agreement Policy

  • Basic Leadership Standards/Expectations

  • Active Membership Requirements

Club Advisors

  • Advisor:

    Mrs. Fornarotto-Regenye (located in Media Center)


    DELTA Leadership  Club - PHILOSOPHY:

    ALL students in D.E.L.T.A. Leadership are expected to step up and lead, by example, a healthy positive club community environment throughout the year.

    Our leadership philosophy has traditionally been inclusive leadership, meaning, we do not use a hierarchy of officer positions, because ALL students are held to the same expectations.


    D.E.L.T.A. Leadership Students know our motto:

     3 C's of Life:

    CHOICES, CHANCES, CHANGE:    You must make a CHOICE (a decision in life), to take a CHANCE in life, or Life will never CHANGE.

    Change starts within you!

    Be the CHANGE you wish to see in this world. (Mahatma Gandhi)