• Welcome Back Students!

    I am looking forward to a fantastic school year! 


    Classes I Teach: Algebra 2 CP (9/10) and Algebra 1 CP 



    Charged Chromebook

    3 ring binder with 3 sections (Notes, CW/HW, Assessments) 



    Extra Help: D days during Unit Lunch in Room C-19 


    Contact Information:  [email protected]


    Google Classroom: Visit  Google Classroom for specific class information 


    Grading: 40% Major Assessments

                    40% Minor Assessments

                    20% CW/HW 


     Genesis: Visit Genesis for updated grades


    Resources: Delta Math, IXL, Desmos, EdPuzzle

    Algebra 1 Only: HMH online textbook (Access through clever)


    Classroom Expectations: Classroom Expectations