NNDCC: Drill and Rifle Team

  • What is NNDCC/JROTC?
    Have you seen kids in the High School wear uniforms with colorful ribbons and shiny medals? Those are JROTC cadets, they strive to become upstanding citizens in today's society and are involved in many different activities that only JROTC has to offer in the High School.  The cadets learn about the military and their way of life. Cadets learn how to live a healthy and safe life, how to be smart with finances, and the importance of being a good follower and good leader. A cadet will also learn to maintain a good physical appearance. In class, cadets will do projects and learn how to speak in front of other students.  
    This is an JROTC cadet
    • Takes pride in our country and school
    • A responsible citizen  
    • Has respect for authority
    • Is a good leader
    • A role model   
    • Strives to do well in class
    • Takes part in the community by doing service for the community 
    • Has a high degree of personal honor, self-reliance, individual discipline and leadership   
    • Strives to live healthy
    What are the pros of being a JROTC cadet?
    JROTC cadets become organized and know how to fit things into their busy schedule. Cadets get to travel to different schools when competing in drill meets. You meet new people in and out of the unit. As an JROTC cadet, you attend the Navy Ball that is held, and you are allowed to bring one person. You get to attend field trips like Fort Dix. Visitors come into the classroom and talk about the Military and you get to ask them any of your questions. JROTC looks really good on your college resume.
    You are not enlisted into the Military when you join Wall High School JROTC.  You do not need to be in the JROTC class to be a cadet, you can stay after school for JROTC on the given dates. Everyone is welcome to join JROTC.


    Current Events
    • Platoon meetings
    • Drill Practice (Every Thursday)
    • Color Guard Practice (Every Friday prior to Home Football games)
    • Rifle practice (To be determined)
    • PAB's (every other Thursdays) 
    • Board of Ed meetings (Color Guard)
    • Football games (Color Guard)
    The types of events we participate in:
    • Drill meets
    • Rifle Events
    • Community Service
    • Charity Work
    • Color Guard
    • Football Games
  • Academic Team

  • Color Guard

  • Communications Department

  • Drill

  • Operations Department

  • Orienteering

  • Physical Fitness

  • Public Affairs

  • Rifle Team

  • Supply/Logistics Department

Meeting Information

  • Meeting Location
    Meeting Schedule