Service and Leadership Academy

  • Mission Statement/InformationNNDCC Logo

    Thank you for considering the Wall High School Service & Leadership Academy. Students who enter this academy will be expected to complete a minimum ofone-hundred community service hours per year. Student electives will be tailored towards our Naval Science program with an additional focus on citizenship and community.

    What makes this academy unique, is that it is open to all students without a placement exam. This academy is recommended for students who are considering a career in public safety, public service, service science such as NASA, law, government, social services, education, clergy, or the military.

    If you are interested in the Wall Service and Leadership Academy, please reach out to our academy director, Mr. Frank Harrison, at [email protected] or (732) 556-2084. Please inform your guidance counselor that you would like to join the academy.

Meeting Information

  • Meeting Location
    Meeting Schedule

Club Advisors

  • Advisors: Mr. Harrison

    • President:
    • Vice President:
    • Secretary: