• English 10 College Prep 2024-2025

    Wall High School 


    Ms. Kristin Barclay

    [email protected] 

    Extra Help:  Unit Lunch, C7 & after school by appointment 


    Mr. Bill Pietsch 

    [email protected]

    Extra Help:  Unit Lunch


    Course Description:

    Grade: 10

    The English 10 CP course is a survey of American Literature from pre-colonial to present day that includes textbook, novel, essay, and online resources that can be utilized via the Google Classroom and other applications. Students will embrace the approach of Workshop while working through the course curriculum.

    Teachers will present mentor texts to model/enrich alongside student selections of works that coincide with each unit of study.


    Potential Course Framework


    Marking Period 1:

    Unit 1:  Reading Literature—The Crucible

    Unit 2:  Literary Analysis—Short Stories


    Marking Period 2:

    Unit 3:  American Voices

    Unit 4:  Research


    Marking Period 3:

    Unit 5:   Shakespeare and Rhetoric

    Unit 6:  Rhetorical Analysis


    Marking Period 4:

    Unit 7:  The American Dream—The Great Gatsby

    Unit 8:  Narrative Writing—The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave

    Classroom Expectations


    1. Respect yourself, others, and your environment.

    2. Create a comfortable environment for learning, questioning, success, mistakes, and challenge. 

    3. Participate, participate, participate! 

    4. Take risks and have fun.


    Required Materials


    1. Notebook/Binder

    2. Writing Utensils (pencils, blue/black ink pens)

    3. Charged Chromebook


    Course Policies


    Regular attendance plays a pivotal role to succeed in the course.  Students who are absent for tests will receive an alternate version.  


    Late Work

    • Homework must be submitted on time. Late work will lose 9 points per each day late..

    • Minor and major assessments will lose five points per each day late.  

    • Extensions may be granted on a case-by-case basis.  You must email me to request an extension before the assignment’s due date.  


    Make-Up Work (from WHS Student Handbook) Students who are absent from class for any reason will be required to make-up the work missed in each class. Completion of this work should take approximately the same amount of time as the student missed from class. In extreme cases of prolonged absence, (more than five

    consecutive days,) the Principal may grant extra time for the students to complete missing assignments. Students will receive an incomplete grade pending the submission of the missing assignments. Students will receive a zero for any work that is not completed by the designated timeline.


    It is the student’s responsibility to obtain all make-up work from his/her teachers  immediately upon return to school. Failure to obtain makeup work is no excuse for not completing work missed. Students have the same amount of time that they have been absent to make up the work.


    Late to Class and Cutting Class (from WHS Student Handbook)

    • Three lates = Teacher Detention

    • Four or more lates = Discipline Referral 


    A student, who arrives to class after the bell without permission, but less than five (4) minutes after, will be considered late. Teachers will communicate with the late student and will contact parents. After the third late in a marking period the teacher will assign a teacher detention. Chronic lateness, identified as 4 or more lates in a marking period, will be reported to the Assistant Principal. 


    A student who arrives late to class without permission, between five (4) and nineteen (19) minutes after the bell, is considered to have engaged in hall roaming. The first such occurrence will result in a referral to the appropriate assistant principal, and the assignment of one central detention. The second occurrence will result in a referral and the assignment of two central detentions. The third and subsequent occurrence will result in a referral, and the assignment of one Saturday detention. 


    A cut is defined as missing class without permission (after arriving at school) from scheduled periods. Being tardy twenty (20) minutes or more from a scheduled period is also considered a cut. Teachers will report all cuts to the appropriate assistant principal.


    Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty Policy (from WHS Student Handbook)

    Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors: If the teacher finds that the plagiarism is flagrant or pervasive and can document the same, the assessment may receive a grade of zero. 


    Academic Dishonesty 

    Students are expected to conduct themselves honestly and with integrity in their work. All forms of cheating and plagiarism are prohibited. Behavior that is unacceptable includes, but is not limited to the following: 

    ● Copying another student’s work; 

    ● Working with others on projects that are meant to be done individually; 

    ● Looking at or copying another student’s test or quiz answers; 

    ● Allowing another student to look at or copy answers from one’s test or quiz; 

    ● Using any other method (ie “cheat sheets”, communicating in any form) to get/give test or quiz answers; 

    ● Taking a test or quiz in part or in whole to use or to give to others; 

    ● Copying information from a source without giving proper acknowledgment; 

    ● Taking papers from other students, publications, or internet sources and claiming it as one’s own work; 

    ● Academic dishonesty in any other form including, but not limited to, tampering with computerized grade records; 

    ● Giving or receiving answers and/or test questions to or from another student.


    Violators of this policy will be disciplined on a case-by-case basis, depending on the seriousness of the violation, prior violations and other factors. Disciplinary measures/consequences may include, but are not limited to the following: 

    ● Redoing the assignment (see policy on plagiarism); 

    ● Receiving a zero grade on the project, test or quiz; 

    ● Letter sent to parent and placed in the student's file; 

    ● Detention, suspension or expulsion.

    Generative Artificial Intelligence

    DEFINITION OF GENERATIVE AI:  Generative AI tools use predictive technology to produce new text, charts, images, audio, video, etc. This includes not only ChatGPT and similar Large Language Models (LLMs), but also many writing assistants or plug-ins that are built on this or similar AI technologies. Generative AI tools can be contrasted with other AI-based tools that do specific tasks—for example, that help students with grammar, but don’t generate new writing.  Generative AI tools must be used ethically, responsibly, and intentionally to support student learning, not to bypass it. Accordingly, all performance tasks submitted in this course must be the student’s own work.


    Grading Breakdown

    Each quarter grade is based on a percentage model; the following grading formulas have been established.


    Marking Period Category Percentages 


    Minimum Number


    Major Assessments



    Minor Assessments







    Student Name:________________________________________________


    Student Signature:_____________________________________________           Date:____________________


    Parent/Guardian Signature:______________________________________          Date:____________________


    Please return this form by September 9, 2024.  A copy can be found in Google Classroom for your convenience.