- Wall High School
- Tims' Talk: A Journey of Autism
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Tims' Talk: A Journey of Autism
Timś Tips for Inclusion
This AMAZING young man who has Autism, Tim Rohrer, presents on the importance of friendship and inclusion of people with disabilities.
Through his personal story, Tim shares his experiences growing up with Autism and he uses his experiences to create awareness and education. He has created a YouTube Channel full of disability inclusion videos of his work, his life and more. Help us increase Tim’s following! The videos are a great tool for virtual learning. He created the animation and narrates. He is also able to do virtual assemblies/webinars if your agency or school is interested. His YouTube videos can be found at this link: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=tips4inclusion
I personally heard Tim speak at a Monmouth County Human Services event on how it feels to be in his shoes, mainstream youth need to hear his story, please help us share his story.
Thank you,
Mrs. Regenye
Please share! We are so proud of Tim and his amazing talents and dedication to creating a more inclusive world for all.
For a copy of this brochure go to: https://mycommunitysource.com/top-stories/tim-rohrer-advocate-for-social-inclusion/
Also check out Tim Rohrerś other resources on Autism!
- https://facebook.com/Tips4Inclusion/
- https://instagram.com/tips4inclus...
- https://twitter.com/InclusionTips4
Timś ARTICLES:- https://www.njcie.org/tim-rohrer
- https://mycommunitysource.com/top-stories/tim-rohrer-advocate-for-social-inclusion/
- https://mycommunitysource.com/top-stories/tim-rohrer-my-vision-of-the-new-normal-after-the-pandemic/
- https://www.app.com/story/news/local/values/2019/04/08/autism-awareness-month/3367659002/
IEP Youth Services: Asperger's Social Skills Group for Adolescents (ages 13-17)
Dr. DeSantis
75 W Main St., Freehold, NJ 07728
(732) 431-2663 x122