• The course description for the course will include:

    This course explores the time period in U.S. history from the Progressive Era through the present. Students will study the industrialists, the Progressive era, WWI, 1920’s, The Great Depression & the New Deal, WWII and the Holocaust, the Cold War and contemporary

    . Accompanying the in-depth coverage are additional readings and reports. 

    Grading Policy:

    60 % of marking period grade will = Major Assessments and Projects

    30 % of marking period grade will = Minor Quizzes

    10 % of the marking period grade = Homework and class participation

    You will need a chromebook as well as a folder for any class materials.


    US II - Syllabus - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oAo1qQEKBemyTgGUhQ9JHee-lwxzVGdJvuur7DcUus8/edit?usp=sharing