- Wall High School
- 3 -D Design
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3D Design is a course that gives students the opportunity to explore multiple 3-Dimensional design-oriented art making. Students will work with color theory, Day of the Dead skulls, observational studies, shrine boxes, book art, cardboard sculpture, painted surface alterations, mosaics, polymer clay, mixed-media assemblages, paper-making, and plaster.
Students are required to maintain a sketchbook and art folder which will be provided.The sketchbook will have vocabulary terms, art history, project information, period drawing assignments, and social nd emotional drawing prompts. Your sketchbook will be collected periodically throughout the marking period and there will be required sketches. Students will be provided with ideas. Sketch books will be collected and graded. If you are absent and miss vocabulary terms or other journal assignments, it is your responsibility to make this work up.
Grading Policy
Distribution of grades is 20% Preparation and 80% Completed Projects
Preparation (20%)
- Preparation/Practice Drawings
- Printed Photographs for Reference
- Turning Assignments in on the Due Date
- Project Critiques
- Class Participation
Projects (80%)
- Completed Projects
- Projects are assessed through teacher/peer critique and completion of a rubric which students are given at the beginning of each project.
EXTRA HELP EVERY MONDAY at LUNCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will also make myself available as needed!!!
Students may resubmit assignments for replacement project grades only. Resubmissions will only be accepted within the marking period that the assignment was assigned. Preparation grades are permanent and not replaceable.
Everyone enjoys a spooky September/October!!
3- D will be learning about the Day of the Dead, which is celebrated at the end of the month and the beginning of November. It is a celebration in Mexico. Students are creating colorful skulls made from paper mache. Students are challenged to add things such as beads, sculpted flowers and change the skulls to be original. Look for pictures of the finished projects soon! Students researched pictures for inspiration such as this. They will paint their practice skulls.
Day of the Dead is a very beautiful and inspiring Mexican holiday.
Students are encouraged to explore and understand the celebration. Their heads do not necessarily need to reflect on the holiday. Students are encouraged to create a head using colors and assemblage that expresses their interpretation of the project.