- Wall High School
- AP 2D Art/ AP Drawing
AP 2D Art/ AP Drawing
Wall High School 2D Art/ AP Drawing Syllabus
AP 2D Art/ AP Drawing Syllabus
Course Description:
AP 2D Art and AP Drawing are challenging and rigorous courses that have at their core the generation of a substantial body of very high quality works of art. The coursework is expected to be equivalent to a first-year college level art course in terms of its quality in subject, content and form. Students are expected to challenge themselves to develop mastery in their ideas, skills, and abilities in 2-D Art or Drawing.
The success of AP 2D Art/ Drawing requires a strong commitment from the teacher, the school and highly motivated students. The program of study follows the course description provided by the AP College Board. Success in this course is dependent upon completing and submitting the prescribed AP Art Portfolio to the AP College Board for official scoring by the first week in May.
AP 2D Art/ AP Drawing is a full year course of study. The AP portfolios are due for adjudication in early May while the course work continues to the end of the academic year. The New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards for the Arts are embraced throughout AP Studio Art.
Supply List:
Students will be provided with all general art supplies necessary to complete the assignments in this course, including the summer work. This excludes any outlier supplies such as found objects, or unconventional materials that students may choose to incorporate into their art.