2024-2025 State and District Assessments Schedule

Performance Reports

  • The New Jersey Department of Education School Performance reports are designed to inform parents, educators and communities about how well a school is performing and preparing its students for college and careers. In particular, the School Performance Reports seek to:

    • Focus attention on metrics that are indicative of college and career readiness.
    • Benchmark a school's performance against other schools that are educating similar students, against district and state-wide outcomes,and against state targets to illuminate and build upon a school's strengths and identify areas for improvement.
    • Improve educational outcomes for students by providing both longitudinal and growth data so that progress can be measured as part of an individual school's efforts to engage in continuous improvement.

    While the New Jersey School Performance Reports seek to bring more information to educators and stakeholders about the performance of schools, they do not seek to distill the performance of schools into a single metric, a single score, or a simplified conclusion. Instead, the intention is that educators and stakeholders will engage in meaningful conversations about the full range of the data presented. While the School Performance Reports bring attention to important student outcomes, the NJDOE does not collect data about other essential elements of a school, such as the provision of opportunities to participate and excel in extracurricular activities; the development of non-cognitive skills; the pervasiveness of a positive school culture or climate; or the attainment of other employability and technical skills, as many of these data are beyond both the capacity and resources of schools to measure. Please click on the link below to access the most recent performance reports.

Classes of 2023–2025 High School Graduation Assessment Requirements

  • Updated July 2022

    On Tuesday, July 5, 2022, Governor Murphy signed P.L.2022, c.60 (ACS for A-3196/S-2349), which requires the State Board of Education to administer the New Jersey Graduation Proficiency Assessment (NJGPA) as a field test for the class of 2023. There is no graduation assessment requirement for any student who is expected to graduate with the class of 2023. Students in the class of 2023 must still meet all the other State and local graduation requirements, including but not limited to credit, curriculum, and attendance requirements. The graduation assessment requirements for the classes of 2024 and 2025 remain in place.

    The requirements in this section were adopted by the New Jersey State Board of Education on September 8, 2021 for the classes of 2023–2025.

    per NJ DOE, July 2022

New Jersey Student Learning Assessment (NJSLA)

  • NJSLA (New Jersey Student Learning Assessment) is the assessment given in Grades 3-11 to determine student proficiency of the grade level or content skills expectations detailed in the New Jersey Learning Standards. The NJSLA assessments replace the previous state standardized tests for English-Language Arts, and Mathematics. 

    The New Jersey Student Learning Assessment for Science (NJSLA-S) measures student proficiency with the New Jersey Student Learning Standards for Science for students in grades 5, 8, and 11. The science standards require assessment tasks that examine students’ performance of scientific and engineering practices in the context of crosscutting concepts and disciplinary core ideas. The three-dimensional nature of the standards requires more complex assessment items and tasks. The NJSLA are only one component of a system of assessments that provide evidence about student learning. The data collected from the NJSLA-S, students’ interactions with teachers on a daily basis, and their subsequent performance on teacher and district developed assessments combine to provide a clear and well-rounded picture of students’ achievement.

    Click here to access additional information from the New Jersey Department of Education Assessment Website.