- Wall Township Public Schools
- About Us
Our District
- About Us
- School Hours
- 2024-2025 District Calendar
- 2025-2026 District Calendar
- Chain of Communication
- Organizational Chart
- District Communications
- Employment Information
- Facilities Use Request
- Memorandum of Agreement
- Office of the Superintendent
- Open Public Records Act
- QSAC Results
- Registration
- Strategic Plan: Vision 2026
Mission Statement
The mission of the Wall Township Public Schools is to empower all students to lead lives of fulfillment and purpose by providing a safe, comprehensive, and caring educational environment that will enable students to achieve their unique potential academically, socially, and emotionally. Our students will become confident, creative, and critical thinkers who communicate effectively and engage meaningfully as responsible members of a global society.
District Overview
Wall Township is a well-established suburban community in southern Monmouth County with a population of over 26,000 residents. The Township has been in existence since 1851. The school district educates approximately 3,650 students in a PK-12 environment, which includes a primary school, four elementary schools, an intermediate school, and a high school.
The mission of the Wall Township Public Schools is to empower all students to lead lives of fulfillment and purpose by providing a safe, comprehensive and caring educational environment that will enable students to achieve their unique potential academically, socially, and emotionally. Our students will become confident, creative, and critical thinkers who communicate effectively and engage meaningfully as responsible members of a global society.
The Board of Education and the administration of WTPS are committed to providing the students in Wall Township with the highest quality of education possible so that they will be prepared to meet the challenges of the future.
On a daily basis, our intent is to make the nature of instruction student-centered and project based, leveraging available technology to make learning accessible and challenging for the full spectrum of students while simultaneously infusing rigor and relevance throughout the curriculum. The district also recognizes the need for balance and is committed to educating the whole child. Character traits such as trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship are taught explicitly and implicitly through daily interactions with staff. Students are taught to apply these traits to actions in daily life. Additionally, the district offers a plethora of curriculum and extra-curricular opportunities that allow students to explore their vocations and avocations.
Please take time to pursue our website and learn more about the opportunities at each level of the curriculum and at each school.
Our WTPS Facts and Figures
3200 + Students
9:1 Student/Teacher
PK-12 Grades Offered
18 AP Classes
83% College Enrollment
1:1 Chromebooks