- Wall Township Public Schools
- Board Of Education Action Plans 2018-2019
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- Wall Township Public Schools District Goals 2019-2020
- Wall Township Public Schools District Goals 2018-2019
- Board Of Education Action Plans 2018-2019
- Wall Township Public Schools District Goals 2017-2018
Board Of Education Action Plans 2018-2019
Committee Specific Goals
Goal 2: Negotiate and settle contracts with the bargaining unit(s) and non-represented personnel by March; prior to finalizing the budget for the 2019-2020 school year.
Recommended Action
- Ensure that the negotiations committee(s) meet regularly to prepare for negotiations.
Goal 6: Plan for potential changes in enrollment
- Investigate and possibly commission a demographic study
- Investigate and commission a functional capacity analysis of school buildings.
- Continue to communicate with the governing body of Wall Township and offer feedback regarding future housing developments.
- Review staffing and plan for staffing as deemed appropriate.
Finance and Facilities
Goal 4: Continue to investigate and implement short and long term solutions for student transportation.
Recommended Action
- Make a final determination regarding location and planning, and begin implementation no later than the 2019-2020 school year
- Continue to explore a potential land swap with the Township and perform studies necessary to determine the sustainability of said properties for housing the transportation department and bus fleet.
- Continue to investigate the feasibility of returning the district student transportation department and bus fleet to the high school location.
- Investigate the leasing of private property or other new options for the location of the transportation department and bus fleet.
Goal 7: the Board will review the Long-Range Facilities Plan and Comprehensive Maintenance Plan and develop and maintain a prioritized list of facility improvements to be reported out on an ongoing basis.
Recommended Action
- Access existing facilities to ascertain the age and condition of current building systems with the use of work order reports, existing studies, inspections, and as necessary, professional consultants.
- Update the district's five-year Long Range Facility Plan for planning and budgeting purposes.
- Create and maintain a prioritized schedule of improvements on an ongoing basis at Finance and facility meetings.
Curriculum and Instruction
Goal 3: Work with the Superintendent to ensure that all students are academically challenged in ways that are aligned with their potential and interests. Develop plans for implementation of programs and courses in September 2019 and beyond.
Recommended Action
- Investigate programs and curricula in career and technical education that provide pathways (internships/externships) for students to earn certifications in a variety of skill areas that have value in the workplace.
- Develop student interest surveys to be utilized beginning in November 2018.
- Request a report from the Superintendent, to be provided in January, analyzing data with regard to student interest surveys and course offerings at Wall High School as compared to high school offerings at vocational, private and other area public high schools.
- Support the development of additional academies at the high school; including, but not limited to, a Visual and Performing Arts Academy and a Future Teacher Academy.
- Request a report from the Superintendent, to be provided in June 2018, regarding the development of a Career Pathways brochure that supports students in connecting their interests with potential career paths.
Strategic Planning Committee
Goal 1: Ensure implementation and monitoring of the Strategic Plan (2017-2022)
- Request updates from the Superintendent twice during the school year on the implementation of the Strategic Plan (including an annual State of the Schools report)
- Use a notion on board meeting agendas to link action items to the Strategic.
- Committee report templates should include a section or notation indicating linkage of agenda items to the Strategic Plan.
- The Strategic Planning Committee should find an efficient means to divide the labor involved in becoming well-versed in the action plans relating to the Strategic Plan, in order to monitor progress and ensure linkage of committee agenda items and board action items. Each member should participate on an advisory committee as established in the action plans.
Governance Goal
Goal 5: Members of the Board of Education should receive training on an ongoing basis to enhance their performance and effectiveness as BOE members.
- In addition to State mandated training, Board members should attend seminars offered by NJSBA and/or MCSBA, take advantage of online opportunities such as NJSBA podcast and webinars, and attend in-house training opportinities provoided, at the board's request, by NJSBA field services represenatives or other invited professionals. Particular attention should be paid to the areas of:
- Board Governance, and Board/Superintendent relationship
- Ethics, confidentiality, board meeting protocol, use of social media
- Planning cycles, use of district issued technology
- Reviewing and understanding monthly financial reports
- The importance of respecting deadlines
- Board Communication - checking email, responding to email, completing minutes in a timely manner, reviewing minutes, providing input in the development of committee agendas.
- Continue new board member orientation and mentorship. Mentors should reach out to mentees on a monthly basis prior to Board Meetings. New members should reach out to mentors as necessary.
- Develop a comprehensive Board Calendar for the 2018-2019 school year, including anticipated meeting dates, training dates, key school and community events, and other dates as appropriate.