Phone: 732-556-2515


Degrees and Certifications:

Elementary School Teacher K-6
Teacher of Students with Disabilities
Board Certified Behavior Analyst
Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga Teacher

Mrs. Kate Blasi


I have been a BCBA in Wall Township Public Schools for 4 years.  I currently work in the 4 elementary schools in district, as well as the primary school.  I previously was a teacher of students with Autism in a public preschool program.

As a behavior analyst, I help students to regulate their emotions, select deescalation coping strategies, show expected behavior in the classroom, and expand their social skills.  I collaborate with teachers, administrators, parents, child study team members, and related service providers regularly to ensure behavioral progress for my students.  

If you have any questions about my role or how I can support a home and school connection in the area of behavior, please feel free to reach out to me.