- Wall Township Public Schools
- Food Services Communication
Food Services Communication 2024-2025
WTPS My School Menus App
WTPS Meal Application Information- 9.13.24
Dear Parent/Guardian:
Children need healthy meals to learn. The Wall Township Board of Education offers healthy meals every school day at the prices listed on the WTPS website. Your children may qualify for free or reduced price meals and Summer EBT benefits.
The printable packet includes an application for free or reduced price meal benefits/ and a set of detailed instructions. For a convenient way to fill out the meal application go to https://www.payschoolscentral.com. WTPS utilizes PaySchools as an online lunch account for children to use to purchase lunch on a daily basis.
If your child received federal free or reduced price school meals during the 23-24 school year, please remember you need to complete a new application for the 24-25 school year prior to October 15, 2024.
If you choose to opt out from completing the meal application, you may fill out the linked Google Form.
If your children receive federal free or reduced price school meals, they may also be able to receive free or low-cost health insurance through Medicaid or NJ FamilyCare. Children with health insurance are more likely to get regular health care and are less likely to miss school because of sickness.
Because health insurance is so important to children's well-being, the law allows us to tell Medicaid and NJ FamilyCare that your children are eligible for free or reduced price meals, unless you tell us not to. Medicaid and NJ FamilyCare only use the information to identify children who may be eligible for their programs. Program officials may contact you to offer to enroll your children. Filling out the School Meals and Summer EBT Application does not automatically enroll your children in health insurance.
If you do not want us to share your information with Medicaid or NJ FamilyCare, you will have the option if submitting the meal application online via PaySchools or you may fill out the printable form and send in (Sending in this form will not change whether your children get free or reduced price meals).Thank you for your cooperation.
WTPS Food Services Department