• Special Services:



    What is School Based Occupational Therapy?

    Welcome back to another school year! I am happy to be back at Primary for another year. I decided to share what I do as OT and how I can support our students in the classroom setting.

    OT stands for Occupational Therapist. The word “occupation” when it comes to OT is related to helping people accomplish the occupations (daily tasks, routines, and activities) that bring a sense of purpose and meaning to people’s lives.

    Occupational therapists in school systems are focused on supporting a child’s overall ability to participate as successfully and fully as possible in the school environment. OT’s focus often includes: fine motor functioning, sensory processing, visual motor and visual perceptual skills, self-care skills/activities of daily living, social skills, cognitive skills and executive functioning, and more! School based OT services can differ from outpatient services/private therapy/medical models. To qualify for services, a student must present with a specific delay. If there are concerns about a child’s fine motor functioning or sensory processing abilities, please reach out to me, as I am more than happy to discuss concerns. Having direct communication with me will eliminate any confusion regarding the referral process. My door is always open for suggestions or to brainstorm ideas.

    Thank you for your time. Here's to a great year!!




    Yoga and Occupational Therapy
