- Allenwood Elementary School
- Welcome

Degrees and Certifications:
Jeremy Maritt
Hello Everyone! My name is Jeremy Maritt, along with Mrs. Salt, we are the Physical Education & Health teachers at Allenwod School. My overall philosophy is very simple; help every student recognize and surpass their highest potential. Our physical education class is about teaching to the entire student. We strive to have your children use their brain muscles just as much as they workout their real muscles. Our overall focus in class is based on three main items: Safety, Sportsmanship, and Trying Your Best. From there the possibilities are endless!
The challenges and games we work on with our students focus on developing a 21st century learner. These challenges focus on developing and building social skills, critical thinking skills, team-building, and overcoming challenges. We also add in cross-curricular material/actvities whenever possible. For example in our Thunder & Lightning warm-up game, students use word recognition and their reading skills to understand the skill and execute it accordingly.
Our mission in Physical Education is to empower all students to sustain regular, lifelong physical activity as a foundation for a healthy, productive and fulfilling life.
Physical Education is a sequential educational program. It is based on physical activities undertaken in an active, caring, supportive and non-threatening atmosphere in which every student is challenged and experiences success. Students with disabilities are provided with a learning environment that is modified, when necessary, to allow for maximum participation.